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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EST

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washer's between police and protesters in cairo as violent rallies against president morsi decision just sees sweeping powers looking creasing like the revolution that brought the islamist leader to power. all in the examination of the way leader yasser arafat's palestinians say it proves it was poisoned they'll go to the international criminal court which could become possible if the autonomy is pending before improve the one status is granted. chances fears a homegrown terrorism reignited demetre growing number of young locals turning to radical islam.
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international news and comment live from moscow this is a she with me you national power thanks for joining us egyptian security forces fired tear gas and demonstrators on the square on wednesday morning as the country goes through one of its biggest anti-government protests since the revolution two years ago tens of thousands of angry egyptians are accusing president morsi is seeking to impose a new era of dictatorship after he issued a decree last week granting himself absolute powers on his tone bought on its own car. a running street battles has been going on in the streets around risk where between a large group of largely young male protesters and the police there all throughout the night there were tear gas canisters being fired into the crowds but the protesters picking those up and throwing them back at the police lighting fires in doorways pulling branches off trees to light those and tearing up large sections of
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pavement creating blocks about the size of a fist to throw at the police as well the police vans this morning absolutely battered by those by those missiles and still going on the police firing tear gas canisters into a group of protesters that was accompanied by essential protests that the hard core of that still camped out in the middle of tucker a square calling for gyptian president mohamed morsi to rescind that declaration that he made giving himself sweeping powers last thursday which has caused such a furious reaction immersing himself was trying to calm the situation and he said look i'm not the same as mobarak which is what a lot of people are chanting down in the square that you've done the same as mubarak he said i'm not the same these powers are only temporary until egypt can
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get its constitution and parliament sorted out however that's not really convinced many egyptians from the more liberal sections of society protests all over egypt including a number of deaths in these protests go to have to work hard to try and calm these tensions and show people that he really doesn't want these powers permanently as people here fear he does. and the live stream showing developments on time fave sway is available for you right now on r.t. dot com meanwhile. the twelve the crew is the newspaper believes the current protests has brought together people of various religious and political beliefs who feel their revolution has been hijacked with moss' intellects. this degree divided egypt and even bought it on. civil war unfortunately this president is doing the very same things for which.
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have looted before they are against dictatorship this is what we are looking at now the egyptian people are saying no to the new newly born state of looking at this crowd you cannot tell who is muslim or christian who is liberal or leftist this is the real people the things you say to leave your fair share of making the president above the will the president and the muslim brotherhood behind him have already lost their credibility they have promised so many things in the past will keep their promises that's why most of these people in the streets they were talking about over a million up to now because they are not happy with this. the egyptian president and where he's taking the country is the focus of debate on peaceful avails
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crosstalk coming up later today. president was elected democratically elected and he has a mandate for change to support that he has. done we don't have a lot to worry about of course is going to be watch you know he made a mistake you took a chainsaw when you just do lose gabbled to adjust loans by displaying a prize politicly so many people have given him their votes and the fact of the matter is that these same people who have given them their votes are disenchanted because they do not believe in the value that you can achieve a democracy by a complete dictatorship. palestinian officials say they will take the investigation into the death of their later leader yasser arafat to the international criminal court if it's proven he was poisoned his remains were examined on tuesday a team of scientists could take tissue samples they will be tested for traces of
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radioactive substances or several countries results are expected to be revealed in a few months palestinians have been accusing israel of assassination are fancy and have died in two thousand and four officially from a stroke that was preceded by a mysterious illness but israel says it had nothing to gain from his demise political analyst online ashantis as they hear investigation into arafat's death can be used as a tool to cause a rift between rival palestinian political. if there is a poisoning of president barack had someone must have put the poison in his food or must have put his poison on his skin and to do that it must be someone from his clothes on to others and to open this investigation would clear disputes within the fatah movement and within the clause people to yasser arafat who are now the closest people to mahmoud abbas so therefore the question is is there a political objective on the part of qatar to support such an investigation or is it just an investigation because people really want to know what happened to their
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leader and they want justice to be you know achieved. stakes are high in probing to arafat's death as it comes as palestine prepares to ask the u. one for nonmember state observer status on thursday if the bait is approved it would mean international recognition of the palestinian state and gave that additional powers like taking issues to the international criminal court and participating in un general assembly debates but she had done me a senior policy analyst and the reason foundational same time says this we will not help to bring peace in the region any clothes no short run i don't doubt they will make big words. really is that what really been saying that this is and think about it in rules which essentially says that the palestinians are not going to. be when they don't even in the oslo accords and if that's the case then they feel no need to continue negotiating negotiations or beginning going with the palestinians so i
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think for a while for sure this is not going to help the peace process but you know i think from the palestinian standpoint the freeze peace process was not going anywhere anyway and so the phones they are concerned they don't have all that much to lose perhaps right now in pushing that probably is released and void obviously on one hand not do anything about this move with about a bus it doesn't look good it makes them look weak on the other hand if they we could harm us any further as actually the horten minister of israel has been calling then they lose their only why didn't you know the danger among the palestinians on the whole might rather believe us because it will definitely strengthen him with the palestinians and might not hurt him too much with the israelis. well her whole story say coming out this hour including internet cesar's where has posting this controversial information online may very well poured some of. the soldier who allegedly bet on
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a secret still wiki leaks leaves the military divided over this. the deepening debt crisis is having an alarming social impact air france young people doesn't chanted with the system are increasingly becoming attracted to radical islam and with a growing number of converts fears of homegrown terrorism are also on the rise are his alexei or chefs explains. the recent national white police raid on radical islamist groups in france made headlines with arrests made in all regions the youngest suspected terrorist was only nineteen but it was not the age which shocked so many little mendham discovered a network of seven additional people living primarily in paris. and all these people were born in france and are french nationals they are linked to the radical islamist movement police say the group was plotting at least twenty five terrorist attacks against jewish organizations and schools and age of twelve detainees were
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french natives who had converted to radical islam experts say this worrying trend is the other in place as the financial crisis group's europe and many youths are finding themselves out of work if you go and you say you are excluded in the best way to change your life is to become. a muslim it would not work with the majority of the did the majority there need to have their men and fruits of people could be after an economic crisis is deepening it probably creates more exclusion and so more people to requote in the midst in communities or to convert to. islam france is not stranger to combating radical islamist groups since the nine thousand feet. it has been countering all jiri iranian and lebanese terrorists and more recently al qaeda but this is a totally different matter just like most of europe over the years france has grown
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very successful in reinforcing its borders and preventing most of the threat coming from abroad but with more and more homegrown radical organizations appearing on its soil tracking down possible terrorists with sports would be very hard if not completely impossible security services believe for now the situation is under control as the conversion to radical islam is still relatively rare but no one can guaranteed stays this way and the number of violent incidents by french muslims is already on the increase our secret service are really well experiments to fight this kind of terrorism and they are watching very carefully the internet the date of the most years and all the people who are travelling. radical muslim countries but this doesn't mean that we will stay safe any at security specialists claim many arab immigrants living in different suburbs have already had a taste of warfare taking part in different middle eastern conflict over the past decade as to what could happen if their experience and views are mixed with the
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growing anger of native french youths perhaps time will tell. ski r.t. reporting from paris in france i know how knowing is coming out after the short break. which is slow often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that your software's of course are on the island of a horn at the heart of. his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and his horses work there sometimes it gets lonely here but horses have
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become part of me no i've fallen off so many times sometimes. it's part of my every day life. i home suburban home to it neat bratz locally just laugh for centuries most still live off the land breeze cattle and fish. if my call is often called the pearl of siberia a horn is said to be the pearl of by. it's a land of think forests. and vast staps. virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i was horny as quickly become a magnet for nature lovers and if you will say cars you're quite some way from civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about a t.v. or even run in water for most people
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a tent is there on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. a journey to buy coal can be a unique trip of a lifetime and the local. say once you've seen it don't be coming back again and again. it was not the military analysts army announced today it signed a new contract with a unit of the huge contracting power it was not the operation to secure and rebuild the devastated country caliber company taxpayers for its contract work in iraq. it was the campaign for making billions of dollars. on reasonable and
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ordered bills exceed one billion dollars iraq for sale. or growth appears one on. an issue free to critique a should be free in-store chargers free. arrangement free. three stooges free. download free blown quality video for your media project a free media oh don the r t dot com. this is all c. welcome back pretrial hearings have begun in the case of us on the private bradley manning accused of leaking classified documents to wiki leaks but the defense claiming he was the subject of abuse while in detention and trace made a lawyer and author of a book on monica says not all them in the trail regains that edged whistle blower.
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both opinion in the military and intelligence and law enforcement is quite divided about this i am not going to lie most people in the military have a very strict by the book attitude towards many of the rules not all the rules but many and would like to see many convicted but i have talked with infantry one of whom who is caught on camera in that infamous collateral murder helicopter video who sees bradley manning is a hero who sees the leaks of the iraq war logs including that helicopter video as an unqualified good because now americans can finally see how that war is actually going in ditto for the afghan war logs there are also people in the f.b.i. who think such a thing is we get leaks is very good for national security and including the former director of the minneapolis office of the f.b.i. clearly roundly who is the time magazine's person of the year in two thousand and
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two and i have a long interview in my book with the former top cia analyst ray mcgovern who also sees bits public knowledge of this benefit to the public debate about our war is to be in good so there is disagreement that the military and intelligence communities about this. we have lined up more details on the case of bradley manning's trial on our web site as well as how we can leagues continues to reveal find some top officials would rather keep behind closed doors the latest allegations by julian assange of all the conspiracy between credit card companies and some high ranking u.s. politicians. song line twenty six years after the world's worst nuclear catastrophe new planes are ready to cover the crumbling site once more with a massive containment cap a lot more it. a
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series of deadly blasts have rocks the suburbs of damascus with acts of its reporting at least twenty nine people killed the explosions went off if it is christian district with no one having claimed responsibility so far syrian media broadcast day after mass on this suspected twin car bomb that this is the latest in a series of attacks on damascus normally station by rebel groups. and some other international news stories for you this hour a rebel was troll from the car believe me it's being pushed more and more into question the leaders of the and twenty three militant groups say they will not leave and will continue their fight with the army on tuesday conflicting reports from twenty three officials and uganda's military both confirmed and deny the rebel pullout from the city meanwhile fresh violence is reported from the area around.
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almost two hundred people have taken to the streets of chile's capital some tiago to protest a new fishing lure protesters say being uniter solution discriminates against independent fisherman they're not surprised the rally ended in skirmishes between demonstrators and police who despise the growth. esther's and arrested at least one of them. facebook and twitter are increasingly becoming a dangerous tool of expression in the u.k. there's a growing number of prosecutors prosecutions resulting from offensive posts on social media. reports now from want. do you think before you tweet what if you're in a bad mood or you just have a controversial opinion would you post that as your facebook status you might think that what you type is insignificant considering the worst expanse of the internet think again for something that you typed on here you could end up in. paul
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chambers two years ago the accountant worried that he might not be able to fly due to bad weather tweeted robin hood airport is closed you've got to weaken a bit to get your together otherwise i'm blowing the airport sky high arrested questioned for a towel as convicted and find the tweet lost him his job and cost him thousands in lawyers fees chambers case branded the twisted trial true such widespread condemnation that it was eventually overturned by the high court nineteen year old linford house posted a photograph of a burning paper puppy on his facebook page a symbol of remembrance for the soldiers that die in war arrested questioned and held for twenty four hours before being released on bail we're very worried about people being taken to court for essentially having a fit of bad temper and saying things in an intemperate way i think that's wrong
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because people start to look over their shoulders and wonder whether they're actually allowed to express the opinions that they're actually hold also worried about the kind of people who are getting these convictions often they are people with political views and it's a very bad thing when people start to be told that they can say things because their political views are offending others the law used to convict most social media offenses was drafted before twitter and facebook even conceived it was meant to protect individuals from being harassed or threatened over the telephone and free speach. vacates question how that relates to posting your opinion online the trouble is that when things are post on things like twitter and facebook is that they're there for all to see and for people to share and share the deadly becomes an element of mob rule and then pressure is put on the police forces to act on that rather than abiding to the legal system that we currently heard of teenager matthew woods found out all about more brule off to making offensive tweets about
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a missing five year old girl an angry crowd gathered outside his house and he was arrested and sentenced to twelve weeks in jail but i don't think anyone ever expected political correctness to become a criminal law. if. it's somebody to me then i want to be rude i don't want the right to for the police get to come around in order i don't think that's the whole work of a free. grown up society that has to use this tattletale on each other nor isn't quite sure how to respond to those wanting to test freedom of speech in the u.k. really goes the u.k. is director of public prosecutions has promised to draft new guidelines on how to respond to online offenses but campaigners say that it's not just guidelines but reform that urgently needed if the u.k.
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is to uphold its freedom of speech online. r t cyberspace. andrew back with more international news in session minutes coming up in a few moments our special report iraq. the sun rises over what seems like analyst forest but here in the new directions quite hundred kilometers north of la de vos stalk as in much of the world it's disappearing at a catastrophic rate. mockers both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system for filing down the forests of the more skewed region for them profit goes well beyond the future of our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis the world wildlife fund for nature makes regular trips to help local rangers do what little they can to stop
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the logging but it's not easy logger set up trucks making them hard to reach in an already rough terrain and have mastered ways to jump through legal loopholes this is a nature reserve we're only sanitary logging of disease trees is allowed according to law and not a single berry can be picked but loggers like this use their sanitary logging permit to cut down absolutely healthy trees and sell the profitable timber over the border in china we are on the hunt for illegal loggers and it's not going to be easy to forests or nose in our chances are slim now for now we can stay in our dreams but as soon as we find solid tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out silently in order not to scare the loggers off alexander some morning call has been a ranger for over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking a single group of loggers easier to work when snow falls in autumn it's impossible
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to find human tracks and even transport tracks are hard to see after hours of driving we get sent in the right direction by word of mouth you can see that the ground is soft here which means that they have twelve tractor trails are very fresh which in fact means that we need to be quite. in order to not scare them off as we get closer. this team says they're illegal but have no documents now xander can now call the police to take over his work here is done overwhelmingly outnumbered there are too few rangers working in the promote the region and the w w f says the government isn't doing enough to stop it i guess the government now for more whole forest legislation so assumes the pals and so on and you'll forest court and according to. the guys in waltham in the in the forest through the still forest courts deal doesn't work just.
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because no one tries to stop them in just five years the forest will be gone they'll sell it all to china what will the people who live afterwards do. it's a question more and more people are aware of today climate change and the safety of our environment as a whole are being discussed around the world and perhaps it's those small steps that might be a start to people living in harmony with nature. early that morning it was about. four thirty am we had to be out of our trucks by seven and we already knew what we were going on our mission we were told. before. the soldier that was sketching a map with the gravel. next to his vehicle while some of us saw part of some of the
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road to rig. we left the post. nearing eleven o'clock we're going down the road and we got pretty close to the i believe that the grubby prison and also the traffic there's no traffic. and right about then. i mean bullets came from everywhere sounded like we were in a hail storm there would come in through the doors and he might take her to him in the windshield or put into it in the jail and you could hear it coming through one door hit the other door with a large tree and i mean they're just coming in everywhere and that it just it reached a crescendo it just seemed like it never stopped after that. they're looking here man. crying on the radio yelling out for help burning down burning
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help me help me please don't let me die interact friends that i had promised before that. you know if they broke down or something happened i wouldn't leave from him scream and. head to head help me help me please i don't want to die here i was completely saturated with blood and my parents were soaked with blood machinery received from derek there was just absolutely just sheer terror. just absolutely positively horrifying. i still feel i just still have that. sort of thing in me that's like said here right now it's like i'm i'm still.
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awaited bodies of four people were found west of baghdad near an area where u.s. fuel convoy was attacked on friday. day after that attacks seven americans were reported missing including contractors working for how a burton a company that supplies of fuel and other supplies to u.s. troops the families were notified. it's had to have to you know interest health care teenagers and. i know you can still stop. his death maybe. these men want to do the right thing so. bottom line they were totally taken advantage of and u.s. forces are here are saying openly they're braced for more terror attacks more but a significant anniversary the.


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